My Morning Routine  

I live for my mornings; I will choose sunrise over late nights any day of the week. So many of you ask me how I get up so early, even in the colder months. My answer to you is that it's my “me” time, and nothing is more important than that. Even on the busiest of days, this ritual makes sure I am checking in with myself, and setting meaningful intentions.  

My morning routine changes in the seasons. These cooler months mean I am prioritising gentler movement and warmth. This is what I am loving at the moment.  

5.45am wake up  

My body clock naturally wakes me up at around 5.45am each morning. Before you think that’s crazy, that’s come from years of training myself to fall asleep earlier. Even though I am up early, I am still getting 7-8 hours of sleep every night. Practice going to sleep 15 minutes earlier and adding to this every week. The benefits of being up before the sun are worth the few minutes of tiredness when you start this practice.  

I recommend when you start this journey, write on a piece of paper all the amazing things you could achieve if you woke up an hour earlier. Exercise, meditation, reading, cooking a healthy breakfast, watching the sunrise - I could list 100 more things that would really change your day, and ultimately your life. Put this piece of paper next to your bed and when your mind tells you to press the snooze button, read all these reasons why not to!  

Ground my feet 

As soon as I wake up, I put my feet on the ground and set one intention for the day. This could be something as small as smiling to a stranger on my walk, or as big as emailing some dream brands to work with. I like to shut my eyes while I do this.  

Morning matcha  

My hot morning matcha gets me up when it's so cold and dark in Winter. I have a café near me called Tin Pin which is open from 5am, this really motivates me to rug up and get out of the house.  

Watch sunrise  

Watching sunrise gives me the feeling of being high. Every day the colours and shapes are different, it truly is one of nature's greatest gifts. I feel extremely lucky to live near a beach, but even if you don’t the colours light up the entire sky.  

Our bodies are naturally in sync with the sunrise and sunset. If you want to be a morning person, watching the sunrise will in fact push your sleep schedule earlier, encouraging your body to wind down earlier.  

Morning movement  

I am loving beach walks and heated Pilates at the moment. My body craves gentle movement when it’s cold, so I honour that. When we exercise, we release endorphins, serotonin and dopamine. These are feel good chemicals which will help you not only be more productive in your day, but happier too!

This routine leaves me feeling ready for whatever the day throws at me. Honour yourself and give yourself some time for you before the hustle and bustle of modern-day life. It takes 30 days to create a habit, so let’s start now.

Dominique Faludi