5 Things I Would Tell My Younger Self

Entering the latter half of my 20s has me feeling a lot more self-aware and confident. I had a moment the other day where I just reflected on how far I’ve come, and how the little girl I once was has now become a woman.  

A lot of work on myself, changes to my lifestyle and the people I surround myself with all contribute to this feeling of stability. I wish I knew what I know now when I was in my teens and early 20s.  

I wanted to share what I’ve learnt to help you become your most authentic and happiest self.

1.Practice self-love every single day 

The mind likes to play tricks on us. But just as the mind can tell us we aren’t good enough, we can also retrain it to believe we are unstoppable. I remember when I first learnt about affirmations, I thought it sounded silly and embarrassing to be honest! Now it is a practice I do every day. Writing down and saying positive things about yourself and who you are is proven to help with your self-worth - the mind loves repetition! By repeating this every day you will notice how you look at yourself in the mirror without judgement, and you will start to feel more confident in who you are.  

2. Stop comparing yourself

With social media, I have found it very easy to get caught up in comparing ourselves to people we don’t even know. We find ourselves scrolling and making judgement calls off of people’s highlight reels. I can guarantee you that every single person has their own struggles, battles and insecurities.  

We will never be anyone else but ourselves. We need to remind ourselves of this and use our energy to better ourselves. I love setting goals for my own personal growth. I like to set personal, spiritual and work goals. Here are some examples:  


  • Read a book and finish it this month.

  • 10,000 steps everyday.

  • Nourish my body with home cooked meals during the week.


  • Meditate for 20 minutes every morning.

  • Practice box breathing at night.

  • Spend a few minutes every day visualising your dream life.  


  • Book one creative test shoot this month.

  • Create 4 recipe reels.  

  • Create mood boards for shoots so they are organised and more polished.  

3. Get out in nature more!

It can be so easy to get caught up in your head and thoughts first thing in the morning. It is so common to look at Instagram as soon as we wake up. I wish I knew how much better I would feel both mentally and physically by starting my day in nature, switched off from social media for even just 10 minutes. The sound of the ocean and the feeling of fresh air on your skin is grounding and sets a positive tone for the day.

I always preach the importance of a morning routine, it really is a life changing practice.

4. It’s ok to not be ok.  

Toxic positivity is something I struggled with a lot. I never wanted to admit that I wasn’t ok, I thought it was a sign of weakness and would make me look unpopular in others eyes. I now realise how important it is to be honest, and to seek help when things are getting hard. Being vulnerable shows strength!  

I always try to remember the saying “the only constant in life is change.” Life is full of highs and lows. Tools like movement, breath-work, journaling, healthy eating and more will create your toolbox of ways to manage what life throws at you.

5. Pick up hobbies  

Your younger years are the time where you have less responsibility. You may not have bills, children or hard deadlines for work. This is such an amazing time to work out what brings you joy in other ways apart from work. I’ve found as we get older, so many of us lose that childish and fun energy, we get consumed by the daily grind. It is crucial to your happiness to have other activities that bring you joy. Some of my favourites are cooking, reading and playing tennis.

I love the quote from Noel Gallagher - “I don't live to work; I work to live.”


Dominique Faludi