Goal Setting for 2023

With 2023 almost here, I have been reflecting a lot on the year that was. The good, the bad and the sad have all made 2022 one of my biggest years yet. I really feel more myself than ever before, and I want to make 2023 even better.

I wanted to share my tips on goal setting for the new year, so you can have your biggest and best year yet!

1. Set achievable and measurable goals

Reaching goals and getting to where you want to be doesn’t just happen by chance, it happens by creating stepping stones to get to where you want to be. I have made the mistake in the past of creating unrealistic goals that are in fact discouraging and leaves me feeling unmotivated to start.

I like to set monthly goals. Some examples for me include:

  • Walk 10,000 steps every day

  • Create 2 x Tik Toks per week

  • Dedicate 4 hours per week to study

  • Read 2 books this month

I love the metaphor of a marathon. Each step the runner takes plays an integral role in the end result, just like each small goal you check off contributes to your greater successes.

2. create spiritual goals

For a long time I only focused on financial and physical goals, but I can’t stress enough how important personal and spiritual goals are as well.

When your mindset is in a positive space, achieving your other goals becomes a lot more stream line. Meditation, reflection and journalling should all be part of your goals for 2023. These are life changing practices that encourage you to be your best self.

3. Set health goals with a friend or partner to hold you accountable

I see all of us do it, January first comes around and we have big plans to do cross-fit every day and run a marathon. These goals are all well and good, but for me personally they are unrealistic. I have become really good friends with my PT Janis. He keeps me accountable to get to training twice a week and helps me get stronger every session.

Training with a trainer or a friend definitely helps hold you accountable. Set your goals together so you have a higher chance at sticking to them for 2023.

4. Think about what gives you purpose

In the past, I have set goals that I thought I wanted. Examples include working for certain brands or starting a fashion line. With a lot of self discovery, I have realised that in fact goals like this are what I thought I wanted because of what I see other models do, not what truely brings me happiness.

Purpose is truely what makes life exciting. Make sure you are setting goals that you know deep down give you purpose, not what only bring you financial gain or status. This quote really sums it up “aim to love what you do every single day. We can make our purpose and passion our work”.

5. Post your goals where you can see them

It is so common for us to write goals down, and then never look at them again. Don’t make this mistake! It is scientifically proven that by looking at a vision board or goal list will improve your chances of succeeding. I love setting my monthly goals as my phone background, this really helps to keep me accountable.

2022 has been the year of finding my purpose. I have delved into self discovery with its highs and lows, but it has been worth it. I want to continue this into 2023, finding purpose and passion every single day.

Dominique Faludi