5 Ways I Recharge my Body and Mind

I can’t believe it is almost the end of February, I feel like the start of the year has been a blur. Late nights, eating out and sleep ins have taken up majority of this year so far. I have loved every second of it, and have zero regrets. I am now ready to take on 2023 with drive and determination to make it the best year yet.

1. The power of sleep

Our body runs off its circadian rhythm, waking up with the sun and starting to wind down as it gets dark. Over the summer, high quality sleep has not been a priority as I’ve been going to bed late, and sleeping in. When I have been at an amazing event or a party, the late nights are worth it. I am however more focused on reducing mindless scrolling, or watching TV shows that don’t serve me.

I have recently implemented no digital after 8pm, I am only allowed to read. My phone is on do not disturb and the the television is off. This has positively impacted by sleep quality. I find that I feel my best when I am asleep by 10pm and wake up at 6am. I am prioritising my sleep to feel my most energised self.

2. Listen to podcasts that inspire you

My biggest takeaway last year is that we are what we consume. My mindset and outlook on life has completely changed since I started listening to podcasts. I am blown away by the library of free resources we all have access to. Jay Shetty, Lewis Howes, Rob Dial and Alexis Fernandez are just a few podcasters who share incredible insights on the power of the mind and how we can change our mindset to change our lives.

Choose to listen to positive thinkers, rather than gossip and mindless information.

3. The power of music

I am always playing music in my home. Music create vibrations and in turn creates energy. I choose my music accordingly. If I am heading to workout, I listen to EDM to increase my energy and get the most out of my workout. If I am winding down after work, I listen to calming beats to alert my body and mind that I am preparing for rest.

4. No alcohol consumption during the week

This one is tough, because I love a spicy Tommy’s marg. However, alcohol really depletes the energy out of us. Even just one glass of wine has been scientifically proven to reduce the quality of your sleep by 24%. This ultimately impacts your energy and productivity the next day.

I am really trying to recharge at the moment, meaning casual drinks at events or dinners are out of the question. Balance is really important too, so I am allowing myself to drink one night a week.

5. Surround yourself with people who fill your cup up

Over the last year I have become hyper aware of how different people make me feel. I really encourage you to assess your energy levels after you hang out with different people. Social arrangements with the right people should leave you feeling motivated and energised. Keep these people close to you, and maybe reconsider those who make you feel flat. Friends are the family we get to choose, so make sure you choose them wisely.

Life is about balance, and making the most of moments that are worth it. I have really learnt what brings me joy and what doesn’t, and this has been the biggest contributor to a positive mind and strong body.

Dominique Faludi