5 Ways to Find Yourself

For a large portion of my teens and twenties, I always felt like I would say what I thought was right, and act how everyone else did in order to fit in. It has only been in the last year that I can whole heartedly say I know who I am.

Going through a break up contributed largely to this. I was left to my own devices for validation, and it forced me to find my independence. This has been a year of self-discovery, and although it was hard at first, I am eternally grateful for what I have learnt about myself during this time.

I wanted to share how I have found myself to hopefully help you to find your most authentic and true identity.

1.Journal everyday

Journalling everyday is a way to go inwards, and to listen to all the internal chatter. From my own personal experience, social media can play such a big factor in who you think you are, but these are just external influences rather that what truely lies within you.

Journal about what made your day, what may have triggered you and what you want to focus on. Writing things daily is a great way to see patterns, which can really help you reflect on yourself.

2. Spend more time in solitude

You really should be your own best friend. Being comfortable in your own time and space is a true gift, and the more you practice, the better you get at it.

Time alone is an act of self care, it is when I create my best ideas and can debrief my day. I like to spend at least one hour a day alone. This could be going for a walk, reading or having a sauna.

3. Reach out to people who you are inspired by

One of my biggest tips is never stop making new connections. It can be easy to feel stuck in an old friendship group. I used to be on set and meet so many incredible people, however I would never reconnect with them due to feeling comfortable with who I already spent my time with. My mindset is so different now! If I connect with someones energy, I always put the time and effort to spend more time with them. Finding like-minded people is rare, and it's important for your own personal growth to be surrounded by such people.

4. Learn the power of no

A gut feeling to me is everything. Learn to become intuitive with how certain people and situations make you feel. If the energy isn’t aligned with you, it is crucial to not feel obliged to say yes to social arrangements. Time is a non-renewable resource, and finding yourself comes from putting your energy into what makes you feel your best.

5. Travel

Travelling doesn’t have to be half way across the globe, it can be driving a few hours away to a new town, or camping. Travelling brings with it new experiences and connections that put you out of your comfort zone. It is in these moments that we find ourselves. For me personally, I feel most at home not at home. Travelling truly is my main purpose, it is when I feel at peace.

Never stop learning about yourself, and never stop growing. We are all complex and wonderful, and the path of self discovery is incredibly rewarding. I hope these tips help you to find your most authentic version of yourself.

Dominique Faludi