How I Built a Healthy Relationship with Food

Living a healthy lifestyle that is focused on balance is my main priority when it comes to health and fitness. However, for many of my adolescent years, I would obsess over calories, and often skip meals. I remember saying no to meeting up with friends at restaurants because of the lack of control over what was in my meal, and the fear of judgement from everyone at the table.

It has taken me many years of trial and error to build a healthy relationship with food. By adopting these five rules, I have shifted my mindset to create less anxiety and more joy when it comes to meal times.

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1.Food is the fuel for our body

Once I started learning about the nutritional value in certain foods, the more conscious I became in fuelling my body with all the the right things. I started to learn that to have energy to train, carbohydrates are essential, and to build muscle, protein is key.

I now build my meals around a source of protein such as tofu or fish, some carbohydrates, I love brown rice or potatoes and lots of vegetables. This is one of the reasons I love Buddha bowls and curries so much, they are packed with all the essentials nutrients and are full of flavour.

Once you start fuelling your body with what it really needs, it returns the favour by providing you with so much energy to conquer the day.

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2. Stop looking at calories, and start looking at ingredients lists

I used to obsess over what snacks had the lowest calories, and would hardly take note of what was actually in them. I remember eating low-carb bars daily, and always feeling sick from the low-calorie sweeteners.

Once I realised the damaging effects these bars and shakes had on my body, I started to eat a lot more whole foods, and only ate packaged snacks if I knew every ingredient on the list. After a week of eating this way, my digestion improved drastically, and I wasn’t constantly dealing with stomach cramps.

Eating whole foods packed with nutrients is much healthier than judging a snack on its calories!


3. start cooking and experimenting with recipes  

The kitchen has become such a happy place for me! I love seeing my fridge stocked with loads of colourful fruits and vegetables. Every week I try out one new recipe, and will often have friends over to try the dish. Cooking and creating memories with friends and family has become one of my greatest pleasures, and this has shifted my perspective from once hiding from these social arrangements, to now hosting them!

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4. Living by the 80/20 rule

The 80/20 rule means eating clean for 80% of the week, and giving yourself 20% to indulge in your favourite treats. Although I eat super clean most of the time, I also allow myself to indulge at restaurants and of course enjoy my weekend vinos. By embracing this rule, I have taken away the guilt that can often come with eating “bad” foods.

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5. Listen to your body

Our body is incredible, it lets us know when we are hungry, thirsty, tired, sad, happy, and so much more! However, so many of us choose not to listen to these signs.

It is so important we listen to our bodies natural cues. We should fuel ourselves when we are hungry, not deprive ourselves. Once we build this relationship with our mind and body, it becomes second nature to eat the right foods.

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These 5 tips have really shifted my mindset when it comes to how I nurture and look after myself. Remember your body is your temple, you only have one, so make sure you look after it.  

Dominique Faludi