Tops Tips For Staying Productive

Deciding to return back to university last year, whilst still modelling full time wasn’t an easy decision. However after deferring for over three years, I knew that if I didn’t complete my degree now, I would never finish.

Balancing work, my studies and a social life was really challenging at first. I felt like one of these areas was always receiving the “short end of the stick”. I was constantly feeling guilty and always thinking about my “to-do” list.

Over the past year, I have played around with different morning routines, exercises, and habits, and have finally worked out what works best for me. These tips are simple, and will really allow you to gain the most out of your day.


1.     Move Your Body First Thing In The Morning

When I first returned back to studying, I would wake up and go straight to the computer. I would sit there for hours unable to focus, knowing I was wasting my valuable time, yet still unable to get the work done.  

 Now my mornings are all about setting the tone for the rest of the day. It is crucial for a productive day to start off with some “you” time. If I have the time I will go for a morning walk, if I am more time poor I will follow a 20 minute Pilates class online.

2.     Use A Diary To Hold Yourself Accountable

After I have moved my body and drank a litre of water, I will open my diary and write an hourly schedule for my day. I have never swapped to a digitalised diary; I am still old school and use a pen and paper. I will tick my chores off as I get them done and this holds me accountable throughout the day.

I make sure my daily schedule is achievable. Filling your day with 101 things can be overwhelming and not only creates a stressful environment, but in fact leads to more procrastination.

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3.     If you find your home distracting, find a café or library to work from  

Some days no matter if I have exercised and nourished my body, I can’t seem to focus. We are human after all, and this is normal!

On days like this I don’t keep fighting the feeling, I will go to my local library and work from there. I have been going to the same library since my high school exams! I have always found that being in a more foreign environment helps me focus as there is less room for distraction. 

4.     Base Your Social Arrangements Around A Walk

Every week I will organise at least two walks with different friends. Being busy isn’t an excuse to neglect the important people in your life. Walking outside is such a great way to catch up and you are also getting your daily steps in – that’s a win-win from me!


5.     Swap Your Morning Coffee To A Matcha

I quit coffee over three years ago, however when I returned back to uni I started drinking it again. I found myself super buzzed in the morning but always exhausted by 12pm. My sleep also became a lot more disturbed and my anxiety was triggered quite frequently.

Matcha is the best way to get your caffeine hit. It’s slow burning, making it less triggering on the body yet still gives you an alert feeling.

I really do swear by these tips when it comes to having a productive week. Not only do I find myself getting more out of my days, I am also a happier person from these little rituals and routines.

Dominique Faludi