How to Kick Start Your Health Goals for 2022  

2021 was the year of the unknown. With countless lockdowns, weeks of endless rain and some of my own personal challenges, I felt I was getting close to breaking point. By the time the holidays came around, I was so physically and mentally exhausted. I’ve used this time off to relax - I’ve been sleeping in, indulging in big feasts with family and friends, and just been a little extra lazy!  

As we enter 2022, it is now the time to put the work in to achieve our new year's resolutions. If you haven’t written these down yet, I really recommend you find a quiet spot and think about what you want. Think about your health, career, friends, family and spirituality.  

The only issue is the post-holiday slump! Routine is out the door and getting back into it can feel impossible. With these 5 easy tips, you can kick-start your year and start reaching your goals. 

1. Learn the power of no

2021 taught me to put my own happiness first, and to stop people pleasing. I know that I recharge my batteries by spending time alone, either by going for a walk or just binging a show on Netflix. I also know that the people who truly care about me won’t mind if I say no to hanging out for my own mental health.  

Making time for self-care should be part of your 2022 goals. By showing yourself love, there is a domino effect when it comes to achieving the rest of your health, fitness, career and any other goals you’ve made for this year.  

2. Focus on detoxing

The holiday season is a time to indulge. It’s about saying yes to another serving of dessert and enjoying spicy margaritas with your friends all night.  

As the party season comes to an end and we all return to work, it is the perfect time to detox. Detoxing doesn’t have to be as extreme as a juice cleanse (although I love doing these from time to time!), it can be small changes to your daily routine. Every morning I aim to drink 1L of water an hour before breakfast, I will sweat daily either from exercise or in the sauna, and I will limit my alcohol intake to 2 glasses per week. These small changes help detoxify the body, helping you to feel your most energetic and light self.  

3. Instead of going out for cocktails with your friends, go for a walking date

One big take away from lockdown was how great it is to go for a walk and catch up with a friend. You don’t need to worry about what to wear, and it’s free! I love booking 3 or 4 walking dates during the week to help keep me accountable to reach by daily step count.  

4. Use a daily planner  

I am that person who gets super excited to start my new diary for the year. I will use my daily planner to write down achievable chores for each day. It’s never a good idea to overwhelm yourself with too many things to do, keep it simple and realistic.  

5. Go to bed half an hour earlier 

Over the holidays, Tommy and I have been bingeing a lot of shows (we are addicted to Wentworth!). We can’t help but stay up late to see what happens next. However, going to bed late is one of the main reasons I feel out of routine. 

Going to sleep around 10pm has been proven to best fit with your circadian rhythm, providing you with a better nights rest. By going to bed at this time, you are setting the intention to wake up earlier and make the most of your morning. Watching sunrise, moving your body and journaling are just a few ways you can use this extra time to set yourself up for a productive day.

Manifesting your goals is really important, but it is even more important to put the hard work in. These 5 tips are great ways to improve your productivity and over all well-being, giving you the greatest chance at making 2022 your year!  

Dominique Faludi