What Makes Me Feel Good

I wanted to share five things that I’m currently doing everyday to help me to feel my best! With many challenges already this year, I have really focused on routine to ensure my best physical and mental health for 2022.  

I have made a promise to be my most authentic self, not compare myself to others and to spend time with people who fill my cup up. These 5 practices provide me with the tools to stay centred and grounded and leave me feeling like my best self every single day.  

1.Practice gratitude every morning  

When I say my morning routine is everything to me, I really mean it! I have recently started making my own matcha lattes at home instead of buying them out. Whilst the kettle boils, I write down three things I am grateful for, as well as take 3 deep breaths. This only takes 5 minutes, and never fails to put me in a positive headspace.  

2. Move your body  

Movement doesn’t have to be an intense gym class, or crazy cardio. Movement can be dancing in the lounge room, stretching to the sound of nature or just walking with a friend. I love slow Pilates at home, it leaves me feeling calmer, taller and ready for a productive day. I will usually practice for 30 minutes after I go for my morning walk to watch the sunrise.  

I have found a place where I just listen to my body. Some days I train super hard, other days I am gentler – I just make sure to move every day.  

3. Put your phone down 

The other day I was on a walk, listening to music and replying to messages. Then it hit me that I wasn’t even paying attention to what was around me. I took my headphones off and went back to basics. I started paying attention to my senses, tuning in to what I could see, smell, touch and hear. Something so simple changed my whole morning – I felt full of immense gratitude. 

Now whenever I walk, I spend the first 5 minutes taking note of this. This is such an easy ritual to improve your awareness. I am not someone who would walk without their phone, but even just spending 5 minutes disconnected has really helped to put me in a calmer space.

4. Nourish yourself with all the good stuff! 

For so many years I deprived myself of food, never letting myself eat something I considered “bad’ for you. Following the 80/20 rule, whereby I eat clean for 80% of the week and indulge for the other 20% has allowed me to find balance. I can show up to restaurants without feeling stressed like I used to be, and I am so much more in the moment for it. Even on a smaller scale, when i’m on set and I can’t control the food, I allow myself to enjoy the meal without guilt. Finding peace with food by following this rule has been a big game changer for both my mental and physical health.  

5. If you don’t want to go, don’t go!  

In 2022, Australia was ranked the fourth most depressed country in the world. Mental health is something that needs to be spoken about more. I know from my own experience that we often feel pressure to go out and drink, however sometimes all you need is a night at home either with a best friend, partner or even by yourself.  

This is the year we put ourselves first. We have to work at better knowing what we genuinely want, rather than doing what we think we must to fit in. All these daily practices have the power to improve your mental clarity, allowing you to find your you!  

Dominique Faludi